Academy Events

Spring 2025 Academy Events

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A Conversation about Life in Retirement Beyond Financial and Health Care Planning

Monday, April 7, 2025, 2pm to 3:30pm in person in the conference room 104, Banway Building, 2111 Bancroft Away, in downtown Berkeley 

This workshop invites faculty contemplating retirement as well as recently retired emeriti to explore life in retirement, how to stay connected with colleagues and campus, and how to include loved ones in the transition. 

Three retired faculty members and two couples with one partner being a Berkeley emeritus/a will share their experience.  To learn more about the event and to RSVP, please visit the event-webpage

Fall 2024 Academy Events

Is Early Detection the Key to Slowing the Progression of Dementia?

Monday, 10/28, 10am to 11:30am

Virtual Public Discussion Panel with Q&A

Monday, 10/28, 10am to 11:30am 

This panel presentation, hosted by the UCB Emeriti Academy and including experts from UCSF and Adelphi University (New York), will address questions such as, is early diagnosis important, are there steps that can be taken to slow the progression of cognitive decline impairments and what are interventions to help patients and caregivers. Following the presentations, there will be a Q&A session.  For more information and to register, please visit the events-page

2023 - 2024 Academy Events 

Making Health Care More Affordable

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 4pm to 5:30pm online (via Zoom)

Making Health Care More Affordable: A Public Option for California

The webinar “Making Healthcare More Affordable” educated the UC Berkeley community and the larger public about a Public Option plan for the state called “Golden Choice” that targets the affordability and equity of care. To watch the video recording and to read a short article about the webinar, please visit the events-page

Get To Know The Villages

Monday, September 11, 2023 12pm - 1:30pm (via Zoom)

Hear from Members about the benefits of the Villages

In September 2023, the UC Berkeley Retirement Center hosted a virtual panel discussion about the Village Movement and the benefits to retirees. 

A village is a membership organization that connects older adults to the community, programming, and expertise they need to continue living lives of purpose and promise.  These innovative, community-based solutions improve quality of life and expand choices at all stages of aging, empowering older adults to sustain independence and remain in charge of their lives as they age.

Villages are founded by members of the community, and each village develops an organizational structure and offerings based on the needs of that community. For some villages, this means providing a full suite of events and services through staff or volunteers, while others may provide mostly referrals. Every village recognizes the power of personal connection in helping members remain active and engaged.

Watch the YouTube Recording of the event. 

Learn more about the panelists by visiting this webpage