Member Opportunities

How do you get involved once you enroll in the Academy?  What membership opportunities are there?  How do you get to know other Academy members?  What process and steps should you follow if you have an idea for a presentation or for a project that can be considered for support from the Emeriti Academy? 

The Academy offers a variety of formal and informal ways for members to get to know each other, discuss topics of interest in a multidisciplinary environment, share their ideas and receive feedback, and identify projects or activities that can be undertaken collaboratively.  

The Academy will evolve as its membership grows, and so will the opportunities.  The different "types" of Academy events described below all have one thing in common: to build community among Academy members and to inspire discourse and collaboration.

For information on the most recent schedules for informal and formal Emeriti Academy meetings, please visit Academy Events.

Academy-Hosted Events

The Academy will take advantage of the enormous "brain trust" retired faculty represent and the multitude of their disciplines and perspectives. The following event formats lend themselves particularly well to interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary exploration: 

Member-Initiated Meetings

Members are encouraged to initiate and host events.  This may include: 

  • Interdisciplinary study panels 
  • Workshops that bring together Academy members, students, active faculty, and community representatives. 
  • Ad hoc meetings to solicit feedback on an academic writing project, research project, or an idea for a project. 

Contact the Emeriti Academy for ways to share your ideas with Academy members.