Emeriti as Mentors Poster Session
When: Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 2pm to 3:30pm
Where: Women's Faculty Club, Stebbins Lounge
Join us for sweet and savory bites and good conversation.
Please RSVP.
The poster session showcases the interdisciplinary collaboration between emeriti mentors and their undergraduate mentees from URAP (Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program) projects and seminars. At the event students will present and answer questions about their recently completed collaborative research projects.
The event exemplifies one of the most dynamic activities the Academy has created since its launch in 2020 -- the intergenerational coaching and mentoring support emeriti provide to undergraduate students. Undergraduates and emeriti advisors will be present to share discoveries from emeriti-guided research projects. These projects are interdisciplinary, and originated in the Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program as well as seminars offered by the School of Public Health.
We encourage you to attend and get inspired by the tangible appreciation and joy emeriti and students experience while exploring a topic together. As one participant observed: “I loved seeing the great connection that the students and emeriti made and how appreciative they were of each other, and the great work the students produced.”