"Faculty Thriving in Retirement" Workshop

Group of diverse mature adults


  • Severin Borenstein, Professor Emeritus, Haas Business 
  • Susan Graham, Professor Emerita, EECS 
  • Alix Schwartz, (Retired) Director of Academy Planning 

  • Catherine Gallagher, Professor Emerita, English, and Martin Jay, Professor Emeritus, History 

Monday, November 18, 2024, 1:30pm to 3pm (via Zoom) 

Please REGISTER  for the workshop! 

Facilitated by Professors Emeritus/a Phil Cowan, Carolyn Cowan, and Sheldon Zedeck, all members of the Department of Psychology, this workshop is designed for faculty who are contemplating all the opportunities that retirement may offer. As part of the first panel, two emeriti will share their experiences with transitioning from active to retired faculty. As part of the second panel, one emeritus/a, joined by his/her partner, will talk about how they experienced the transition as a family. Faculty family members/partners are strongly encouraged to attend. Recently retired faculty are welcome to join. 

Topics include: How to continue your academic interests, your relationships with your non‐retiring colleagues, and what will this transition be like for your family. 

This workshop is held in partnership with the Emeriti Association (UCBEA), the Retirement Center (UCBRC), and the Office of the Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty.

Questions? Email Sigrid Mueller at emeritiacademy@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)

What was most beneficial about the workshop was the framing of retirement as a process. The honesty and openness of the faculty participants. Hearing about their successes was inspiring and about their challenges so useful.
Workshop Participant