Research Projects with Undergraduates

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150 Years of Women at UC Berkeley Initiative (Projects 2020 - 2021)

Explore projects emeriti/ae conducted together with undergraduate students on the significant contributions women made to UC Berkeley. The projects were offered through the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program or URAP

Cover page of the 2020 election guide on healthcare topics

Voter Information Guide for Healthcare and the 2020 Election

Under the sponsorship of the University Research Apprentice Program (URAP), two Berkeley undergraduate students developed and wrote a voter information guide comparing then President Trump's and presidental candidate Joe Biden's positions on healthcare in the run-up to the 2020 election.

Graphic of an electronically interconnected smart building

Making Hospitals "Smart"

In Spring 2021, Yehuda Kalay, Professor Emeritus, Architecture, implemented a URAP Project on using advanced sensing technologies in a hospital environment.