150W URAP/SPUR Projects Fall 2020 & Spring 2021
Asians have a unique history in California, including in higher education. In this project, we will focus on Asian American women on the UC Berkeley campus, exploring the representations and experiences of Asian women, in diverse disciplines from STEM to Humanities, and at various academic and professional levels.
Zinmay Renee Sung, Professor Emerita, Plant and Microbial Biology, started this URAP/SPUR project in Fall 2020 with the goal of documenting Asian American women's experience on campus. Professor Sung recruited another group of students to continue the work on this topic in Spring 2021. Professor Sung's team of URAP undergraduate apprentices interviewed Asian American women students and faculty, who talk about instances of racism and bias they encountered, and about their hopes and aspirations.
The video compilation and the interview transcripts on this page represent the student researchers' final project. They were produced in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 contain interviews with Asian American students and faculty at UC Berkeley.
150W URAP/SPUR Fall 2020
In the context of recent anti-Asian violence and racism, this 35-minute video reminds us of the systemic barriers Asian American women face in academia despite the fact that at Cal Asian American women make up 20.7% of undergraduates, the largest ethnic group (compared to 6% of Asian American women faculty).
Students interviewed: Helen Liu, Jamie Yanne Calma, Darae Jun, Crystal Wong, Eunice Kwon, and Neem Patel
Faculty interviewed: Dipti D. Nayak, Assistant Professor, Plant & Microbial Biology; Lydia Sohn, Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Renee Sung, Professor Emerita, Plant & Microbial Biology; Michi Taga, Plant & Microbial Biology; Hei Sook Sul, Professor, Nutrional Sciences & Toxicology.
150W URAP/SPUR Project Spring 2021
Faculty interviewed: Serena Chen, Professor, Psychology; Atreyee Gupta, Assistant Professor, History of Art; Asma Kazmi, Assistant Professor, Art Practice.
Student interviewees: Cindy Ji, Amy Zhong, Manaal Shaad.